速報APP / 遊戲 / Word Snack HD

Word Snack HD



檔案大小:326.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Word Snack HD(圖1)-速報App

Play Word Snack, the game where aliens are hungry for words and it’s your job to feed them! Word Snack is a single player word game set in a diner in outer space. Feed words to hungry aliens, receive points for every word, and turbocharge your score by catering to their alien tastes. Some aliens love short words, others love long ones. Some crave consonants, others can’t get enough of vowels.

Word Snack features five different customers to feed and two modes of gameplay, for countless hours of fun. If you like word games and you’re looking for something with an extra challenge, Word Snack is for you!


-Five unique alien customers with different tastes!

-Two game modes: untimed Casual Lunch and timed Dinner Rush!

-Epic score multipliers for tasty word treats!

-No advertisements and entirely free!

-Fun for all ages!

More about Word Snack:

Word Snack was created by the Interdisciplinary Game Studio class during Fall 2014 at Hampshire College. Led by Professors Chris Perry and Ira Fay, the team of 34 members from the Five College consortium created WordSnack from scratch in four months. All assets in the game are available for non-commercial use on wordsnack.net.



